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Friday, May 28, 2010

ex?..x?..or axe???

i just hate him..
sebok je contact ak blek..
xpasal2 ak terpikir pasal die..
every single thing he did..
every single heartbreak..
i dont miss him..
i just..emm..i just dunno why i'm tempted to go down that memory lane once again..
n i dunno why i really wanted to see his face again..(i even googled him!stupid me..)
i dunno why..
maybe i just want to know how he's doing without  me..
i just want to assure myself that i did better than him..
i survived the heartbreak..
i found a better man..
and i'm so happy with everything i owned now..
better than ever..
or maybe i just really want to see him sad and regretted everything he did to me..

i dunno whats wrong wif me..

but one thing i noe..

that i dun luv him anymore..


Unknown said...

teguhkan pendirian anda! .. =)